Jelee Yoga

Breath. Conscious Connections. Gentle. Nature. Simple. Liminal Spaces. Love. Nurturing Whole Self...

Teacher Training Certificate
Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga

Nasik (Nashik), India, 2007

I practice and offer gentle Yoga that focuses on posture, breathing, colour and intention that will help calm the mind. This tempers inaction, non-judgement, least effort, detachment etc

Yoga has been described as a practice and philosophy that stretches the body and mind. The purpose is to free the mind from the body to experience the highest form of reality. I like the simplicity of this notion.

My bias is that one ought to continually strive to return to their whole Self with as much unconditional love as possible. This grants peace, love and happiness. Yoga and a mixture of various ideas and philosophy assists this idea.

I'm open for discussion. I love analysing things like the mind, time, space, ideas etc. Humbly, my first degree is a double major BA in Philosophy and Studies of Religions.

I offer Yoga private and small group sessions, preferably in nature e.g. beach, park
